Mental health experts in the workplace

Created in 1989 by Dr Patrick Légeron, Stimulus is the leading firm for mental health in the workplace. We have a double vocation thanks to our exclusive scientific approach: preventing psychosocial risks and fostering well-being in the workplace to answer both economic and human challenges companies and organizations face.

Hyper-specialized in mental health in the workplace, Stimulus supports companies on all levels of prevention. Thanks to our international scope, we give large European and multinational companies the means to implement ambitious global HR and workplace health strategies taking local factors into account.


companies clients

partner psychologists

Our areas of support

Our team designs and implements tailor-made solutions:

Audit & Guidance

  • Defining and implementing workplace health policies
  • Quantitative and/or qualitative assessments of psychosocial risks and of the quality of work life (QWL)
  • Studying human impact during transformational contexts
  • Enquiries in cases of presumed harassment/suffering at work

Training & Support

  • Training programs for all members of the company
  • Tailor-made journey, combining different modules (conferences role play, e-learning and webinars etc.)
  • Innovative tools, to motivate the learners (story-telling, board games and virtual reality etc.)

Crisis management procedure

Supporting HR departments to better manage critical situations: serious incidents with a risk of trauma (Stimulus Crisis Management), inappropriate behavior or deteriorated collective

Managing individual difficulties

  • Psychological and/or social help line
  • On-site services
  • Help with returning to work after a period of absence

Zoom on Stimulus Care Services

Stimulus Care Services is our complete Employee Assistance Program (EAP) destined to better reconcile professional and personal life. This offer is based on five services:
Distance psychological support available 24/7 by phone, chat, email or video conference on our dedicated website or mobile app;
Face to face psychological consultations are available thanks to our network of over 2,000 freelance psychologists;
Social support on housing issues, excessive debt, family carers, disability and retirement etc.
Legal advice in order to better manage daily difficulties;
• The digital resource space gives the opportunity to make appointments with professionals, access original content, self-assessment questionnaires and live webinars to remain informed about your health and quality of life: accessible from the platform or the dedicated mobile app.

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